NGO's are non profit organisations who work independently from governments and they exist in a variety of categories.

NGO's are becoming more powerful in changing policies and promoting for what they are standing for which is Human rights for all and other fundamental rights for Human around the globe. They are, especially with the help of the media, becoming more and more powerful.
Amnesty International for instance finds itself more often lobbying in the international stage promoting Human rights and campaigning for International criminal court and UN Torture treaty. It has 2.8 million supporters around the globe, so NGO'S are, indeed, becoming an important instrument in new diplomacy.
Some would argue that the balance of power is shifting and therefore the sovereignty of states are challenged. The excecutive director of NGO Monitor said that the annualy published Human Rights report is a very important and reliable information source for journalists, diplomats, political activist, policy advicers and citizens around the globe as many of the claims were provided by eyewitnesses and victims.
Critics would say that those informations provided by eyewitnesses might be just a chance to revolt against their opressive countries, nevertheleness it is a significant source of information for politicians.
Enviromental NGO's participate in different ways. They, for instance, receive documents, propose and advice diplomats which in turn could have an effect on their decisions. They were highly successful in the support of protecting the ozone layer and other climate change issues.
Norwegian NGO's were part of the Copenhagen summit in 1995. The New York Times editor Alejandro stated that the uprising participaion of NGO's is like a second superpower.
In my opinion NGO's are the most important factors in new diplomacy, as their voices are being heard by influence people e.g the World Bank which interacts with NGO's who have projects in developing countries and who lobby policy decisions to promote or advocate outcomes.
You provide a decent overview of the role of NGOs in world politics, but I think you might have said a bit more about their impact on diplomatic practice and engage with the academic debate on this subject. Please also check dates and spellings before you submit this entry as part of your seminar log.